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What is the pelvic floor?

The pelvic floor is a collection of ligaments, muscles, tendons, nerves and connective tissue that serves as the pelvic area’s foundation and support. The pelvic floor in women supports the bladder at the front, the uterus at the top, and the vagina and rectum at the rear. The pelvic floor in men supports the bladder, bowel, urethra and rectum. These organs’ entrances (the urethra from the bladder and the anus from the bowel) enter through the pelvic floor. The pelvic floor muscles link to the pubic bone in the front and the tail bone in the back (both men and women).

What is the significance of the pelvic floor?

The pelvic floor is responsible for “keeping these organs in place” and plays an important role in bladder and bowel control in both men and women. It can also be beneficial to both men’s and women’s sexual health. Weakened pelvic floor muscles in males might lead to erectile dysfunction; constricted pelvic floor muscles in women can cause discomfort during intercourse. Urinary dysfunction can affect both men and women, especially adult and adolescent athletes who engage in high-impact sports.

What is pelvic floor rehabilitation?

pelvic floor rehabilitationPelvic floor physical therapy (PFPT) is a methodical strategy to strengthen the pelvic muscles. These pelvic floor muscles are vital tissues in the pelvis which maintain the female pelvic organs (uterus, rectum and bladder) and employ many of the same concepts as physical therapy for other muscles in the body that have been injured. Pelvic muscles may be harmed due to childbirth, previous surgery, aging and a variety of other circumstances.


Millions of men have erectile dysfunction (ED), a widespread and rising disease. ED can be caused by a variety of mental and physical disorders including diabetes, hypertension, obesity, stress, anxiety and depression, to mention a few.

A healthcare expert might prescribe medication to help you obtain or keep an erection momentarily, but physical therapy is another option which can help minimize or eliminate your discomfort. Pelvic floor physical therapy is an excellent place to begin for men who have erectile dysfunction. Rehabilitation treatments include non-invasive, simple, painless and economical procedures.

3 conditions for which women benefit from rehabilitation

  1. After childbirth / postpartum care

Women who have given birth are often administered PFPT. The extreme pressure experienced while pushing a child through the vaginal canal can strain and even tear pelvic floor muscles, resulting in weakness. These pelvic muscles are designed to support the bladder and uterus; however, overstretching or tearing these muscles causes softness and weakening. PFPT tightens these muscles, allowing them to support the bladder and uterus once again.

  1. Following abdominal or pelvic surgery

Scar tissue and lack of flexibility may occur as a consequence of surgery. PFPT is especially helpful after abdominal or pelvic surgery, whereby muscles can take a long time to recover. This treatment is a good option after a hysterectomy, episiotomy, colorectal surgery or C-section.

  1. Incontinence

If you’re getting older, you may notice some bladder weakness and depend on incontinence pads, believing this is a typical part of the aging process. PFPT helps strengthen and raise your pelvic muscles, which will support your bladder and ureters.

In the Langley area, your best choice for pelvic floor rehabilitation is Fraser Life. Visit us online or call us at (778) 278-4755 today.


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