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Definition of Physiotherapy Treatment

Physiotherapists help individuals of all ages maintain physical health, manage pain, and avoid illness. Through exercise, manual joint treatment, soft tissue methods, education and counseling, physiotherapists assist individuals who are sick, injured or disabled. Physiotherapists aid in pain management and injury rehabilitation, allowing patients to continue participating in sports, working, or conducting their daily living tasks while being functionally independent.

While many people assume that physiotherapists specialize only in back and sports-related ailments, this is not true. Physiotherapists are highly trained health professionals who treat all individuals experiencing physical difficulties due to injury, disease, illness or aging.

Role of the Physiotherapist

A physiotherapist’s role is to enhance a person’s quality of life by using a variety of treatments to alleviate pain and restore function, or in the case of a permanent injury or disease, to mitigate the effects of any dysfunction.

A physiotherapist’s duty is varied; no 2 days are the same. A physiotherapist may be needed to analyze a patient’s physical state to identify and treat issues. Alternatively, they may re-train patients to walk or assist others in adjusting to crutches, walking frames or wheelchairs.

Education is very important in the field of physiotherapy. Physiotherapists spend a significant amount of time teaching patients, their families, and the community about injury prevention and how to live a healthy lifestyle. Additionally, a physiotherapist can organize and execute community exercise programs. Finally, physiotherapists have the authority to issue sick leave certificates if judged essential.

Children with cerebral palsy, premature newborns, pregnant women, persons undergoing rehabilitation, athletes, the elderly (to help them keep active), and those who need assistance after heart illness, stroke or major surgery are treated by physiotherapists.

7 Physiotherapy Treatment Modalities

  1. Manual Techniques

Over the last few decades, physiotherapy techniques have evolved. Your physiotherapist has received extensive training: they have conducted research, upgraded their abilities, and educated themselves in various allied health fields. These abilities include techniques which have been shared with other healthcare professionals. Exercise physiologists, remedial massage therapists, osteopaths, acupuncturists, kinesiologists, chiropractors and occupational therapists are just a few such professions.

  1. Taping

Your physiotherapist is a highly trained expert who employs strapping and taping methods to help prevent and treat injuries (and aid in pain reduction and proper function).

  • Strapping for Support
  • Taping Kinesiology
  1. Dry Needling and Acupuncture

Numerous physiotherapists have additional training in acupuncture and dry needling to aid with relieving pain and muscle function.

  1. Exercises

Physiotherapists have received specialized training in exercise therapy to strengthen your muscles and enhance function. Wherever feasible, physiotherapy exercises use evidence-based procedures to effectively treat and prevent pain and damage. Your physiotherapist is very experienced at recommending optimal exercises and the “right exercise volume” for you, based on your current level of rehabilitation. Your physiotherapist will include essential pilates, yoga and exercise physiology components to get the optimum outcome.

  1. Sports Physiotherapy

Sports physiotherapy demands an additional degree of expertise and treatment to help with injury rehabilitation, injury prevention and performance enhancement. Consult a physiotherapist for the best guidance.Important Things You Should Know About Physiotherapy Treatments

  • Management of Sports Injuries
  • Prehabilitation
  • Physiotherapy for the Vestibular System
  • Preventing Falls
  1. Women’s Health

The health concerns of women mode of physiotherapy is a subset of treatments with a specific focus.

  • Physiotherapy for Women’s Health
  • Exercises for the Pelvic Floor
  1. Occupational Physiotherapy

Your physiotherapist can help you not just for sports but also for work. Your physiotherapist can assist with lifting technique development, education programs and workstation configurations. Ergonomics examines the optimal postures and workstation configurations for your body at work or home.

  • Configuration of a Home/Office Workstation
  • Wellness in the Workplace

Fraser Life offers the best physiotherapy treatment in the Langley area. Visit us online or call us at (778) 278-4755 today.


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