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What Is Visceral Manipulation Therapy?

Hands-on manual treatment, known as visceral manipulation, is used to assist your internal organs (viscera) move more easily throughout your system. Abdominal discomfort, constipation, cramps, indigestion, and many other conditions may be treated with this method by your physical therapist.

Connective tissue surrounds your internal organs and keeps them in place in your body. When you rotate or bend your torso, healthy connective tissue should move freely to enable the organs to glide over one another.

In order for your stomach to expand while eating, your lungs will open and take in air, and your intestines contract and relax so that waste may travel to your colon; the connective tissue herein should be flexible enough. Constricted connective tissue makes it difficult to make these minute yet critical motions. As a result, you may have pain in various areas of your body and discomfort and malfunction in your organs.

Why Do We Use Organ Manipulation?

The goal of visceral manipulation is to bring your internal organs back into balance and enhance their function. Restrictions resulting from surgery, illness, injury, or prolonged bed rest are eased to allow your organs to flow more freely when you move. Your liver, gallbladder, and ascending colon move every time you glance over your right shoulder. There may be compensatory and even muscle and joint problems if you have any limitations.

It’s easy to see how constipation or bloating may exacerbate your back discomfort if you examine the pressure system in your belly.

The Advantages Of Visceral Manipulation

  • To make organs more mobile (your organs move with you)
  • Improve the function of the digestive system
  • Reduce healing time by affecting the parasympathetic nervous system directly
  • Enhance distal-area circulation by increasing blood flow there (working on the cecum or sigmoid colon can improve circulation to the legs)
  • Enhance the patterns of movement
  • Helps to get rid of indigestion
  • Reduce pain by improving breathing patterns

Visceral manipulation may be used to treat the following issues:

  • Whiplash
  • Headaches
  • Damage to the chest and abdomen as a result of sports
  • Reflux and nausea
  • Constipation and bloating
  • Back pain that is both persistent and debilitating
  • Sciatica
  • Stiffness in the neck
  • Neuropathy of the extremities
  • Scar tissue that develops after surgery
  • Depression and anxiety disorders

When You Undergo Visceral Manipulation, What Happens To Your Organs?

Our organs, like the rest of our bodies, need movement to be healthy. Visceral manipulation involves moving your organs as you move with your physio, either passively or actively. This helps the treated organ, as well as the surrounding organs, move freely.

Visceral ligaments hold our internal organs together by attaching them to a bone, or another, or muscle. The nerves that supply the visceral ligaments are very dense, and this may result in severe discomfort. You’ll feel better once the visceral ligaments are freed of tension. The organs will perform to their full potential once harmony has been restored.

Two different pressures act on the abdominal cavity of the human body. The thoracic cavity’s negative pressure and the abdomen’s positive pressure are balanced. You may develop a hiatus hernia or a gastric prolapse if one of these pressures “wins” by tugging more strongly than the other. Blood supply and lymph outflow from organs are both influenced by pressure imbalances. All of this may be brought back into harmony via organ manipulation.

In The Course Of Visceral Manipulation, What Happens To Your Cells?

Our array of digestive organs ensures that food is digested properly and waste is eliminated. Each organ plays a specific function in this symphony, and organs function better when they have excellent blood flow.In the course of visceral manipulation, what happens to your cells

The release of the hormone serotonin is boosted when organs are manipulated. Mood stabilization, emotions of well-being and pleasure are all aided by serotonin. It also facilitates brain-to-brain communication and affects sleep and digestion.

Increased circulation to the visceral ligaments and reduced nociceptive or pain signals conveyed to the brain and nervous system are responsible for many organ manipulation pain-relieving benefits.

What Does Visceral Manipulation Feel Like?

Visceral manipulation uses ultra-high-precision methods that need very little force to be effective, and this may seem insignificant to the recipient. In contrast to other forms of physiotherapy, it does not operate on the premise of “no pain, no gain”.

In a variety of postures, light pressure and repeated movement will be applied, some passively while you lie on your back, and others act as you move with your physiotherapist. It’s very pleasurable.

When Can You Expect To See Results From Visceral Manipulation?

Results timing significantly changes in accordance with the organs treated. Your lower back pain therapy session may involve visceral manipulation methods that last 5 to 10 minutes, or we may treat your organs for an hour. Each person’s situation is different. Treatment advantages may persist for weeks or months after a session since our organs are more clever than our muscles.

For more information and to book a visceral manipulation therapy appointment, call Fraser Life Physiotherapy at (778) 278-4755 today.


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