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Have you thought about booking with a chiropractor in Langley to treat or prevent arthritis? While to some that may sound reactionary, it’s actually crucial in the fight against arthritis, and the pain and discomfort it brings. Our team is ready to help, so let’s begin the journey to prevent or treat arthritis.

Today, let’s go over some topics and potential treatments for arthritis, with the goal of getting you on your journey to prevent or treat all forms of arthritis.

Why it is Important to Take Measures to Prevent Arthritis

When it comes to taking measures to reduce the risk of arthritis, prevention is key. As the Canadian Chiropractic Association writes: “Currently, in Canada, arthritis impacts 6 million people – that number is expected to grow [by] 50 per cent (9 million) by 2024.” (CCA, 2024). While those numbers are concerning, it doesn’t mean you can’t treat or prevent arthritis. With the statistics showing that arthritis is on the rise in Canada, it is necessary and important to consider your own health and how your quality of life might be improved by preventing onset arthritis. A chiropractor in Langley is a great option for those looking to begin their treatment or prevention of arthritis.

Tips on how to avoid the risks of arthritis

Now, let’s go over some tips and recommendations on how to avoid arthritis. In terms of more general, but equally as helpful tips, one should consider these three points:

  1. Stay active to maintain joint flexibility and strength
  2. Adjust your diet to incorporate more foods with anti-inflammatory properties
  3. Make sure to perform sports or activities with protective wear, to avoid injuries that may increase the potential for arthritis.

While you could go into studies that suggest specific treatments, one such study is provided by Katie de Luca, where in her study, Manual Therapy proved effective for specific osteoarthritic locations, such as knees.

These fundamental guidelines and references provide you with the basics that you need to stay active, eat better, and train safely, so that when you book in with a chiropractor in Langley, you help treat or reduce the chances of onset, developing, or present arthritis.

How a chiropractor helps arthritis prevention and treatment

As Rachael Zimlich writes on the topic of Rheumatoid Arthritis: “For RA and other inflammatory diseases, chiropractic care is believed to balance the function of the body through alignment of your spine and other joints. These adjustments may also help lower the production of proteins that can build up in the immune system and contribute to inflammation.” (Zimlich, 2022). Aside from that, chiropractors can also apply heat/cold therapy, among other recommendations and guidelines to best help patients proceed with their battle against arthritis. A multifaceted approach means that chiropractors can tailor treatment to the individual, aiding in treatment effectiveness.


There is little doubt that arthritis is a problem for millions of Canadians, so with that in mind, if you struggle with or are looking to prevent arthritis, book in with a chiropractor in Langley today. Let’s get you on track to delay, diagnose, or defeat arthritis!


De Luca, Et All. (2011). Chiropractic management of osteoarthritis: A review. The Open Orthopaedics Journal, 5, 146-153.
Chiropractic Canada. (n.d.). Chiropractic care for arthritis. Retrieved September 23, 2024, from
Zimlich, Rachael (2022). Chiropractor for rheumatoid arthritis: What to know. Healthline. Retrieved September 23, 2024, from